It depends on where you live and the shipping status of the item. Items ready to ship usually arrive in Europe 2 - 5 business days from the day of order.
USA: 3-5 business days varies by State (Shipping out of Vegas)
2-5 business days, varies by country (Shipping from Germany)
Asia-Pacific, North America, Global Shipping
Any island or country outside of Europe: 10-15 business days and we ship it by Air.
Australia: 15-20 business days and we ship it by Air.
Canada: 5-10 business days and we ship it by Air from the USA.
Japan: 15-20 business days and we ship it by Air.
South Korea: 5-10 business days and we ship it by Air.
UAE: 5-10 business days and we ship it by Air.
Switzerland: 1-2 business days
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